snailsnail's Lists 01
  1. meat-packer’s solemnitude
  2. grilled leeks
  3. the foreman's suggestion
  4. unenchanted aristocracy
  5. elevens
  6. take away choice
  7. the dawning of reason
  8. ECG
  9. bicycle diagrams
  10. a return to a more modest way of living
  11. stylish well into his 90s
  12. more for less
  13. a thorough background in umbrage
  14. Buddhist sublimation
  15. not hypnotism
  16. grime of the century
  17. boardroom backstabbing
  18. hyper-inflation
  19. come back to basics
  20. a series of broad-minded views
  21. plate tectonics
  22. return to salvation
  23. the alphabeticist's dream
  24. co-coordination
  25. time and romance
  26. a sympathetic ear
  27. race relations
  28. turn over, stop snoring
  29. Belvédère
  30. breaking the bank
  31. toss a quoit
  32. valediction
  33. fleshpot
  34. sympathetic neologism
  35. serendipitous
  36. inhale