- Every time you run for president
- All the holidays I've been on in my life
- A happiness so profound
- Answers on a postcard
- Perfume
- The bicycle I received for my seventh birthday
- A bird nest in the hand
- Olive oil and gin
- The worst moment came two hours into the flight
- Your reoccurring dream
- The lucky penny in your pocket
- A deep sigh
- The morning after
- Drinks after work
- The sound of the children tiptoeing downstairs
- Memorial day
- Catch 22
- The moment you wake from a deep sleep
- Rough and tumble
- Tranquillity
- A shopping list on the fridge door
- Sunday football
- The photo beside the bed
- My umpteenth coffee of the day
- I took my time and did it well
- Practising a French accent
- When you gave me your email address
- Odd socks
- Humbling
- Terrapins and ocelots
- Grumpiness